To master FL Studio 20 in its totality, we should know at least the most basic functions of this DAW and in this way, we will improve our workflow. That’s why in this tutorial I’m going to teach you everything about how to export projects in high quality to any audio format.
In order to export a project in FL Studio 20 go to Files and click on Export. Now choose WAV File for maximum audio quality. Then assign the path and the name of the project. Finally, set the output quality and click on Start.
Also see: How to MERGE audio clips in FL Studio 20
Besides, I’m going to show you how to solve the most frequent problems while exporting whatever beat or song. So stay tuned!

Table of Contents
- How to export high-quality projects in FL Studio 20
- Best export settings for FL Studio 20
- Most common exporting issues (SOLVED)
- Final considerations
How to export high-quality projects in FL Studio 20
Knowing how to export files in FL Studio is something of extreme importance that every song creator using this DAW must dominate, by all means. This is a very useful utility because after you have finished your project this is the last step you should take.
This way your patterns, audio tracks, MIDI files, vocals, beats, and everything you have loaded in your playlist will be converted to an audio format.
The most common output formats in FL Studio are:
- MP3: This is one of the most popular audio formats. It has good sound quality despite its compression. Use it at 320 kbps
- WAV: High-quality audio format with high export file weight. Recommended for high fidelity audio projects.
- OGG: Format similar to MP3 but with less compression and higher quality. Set it at 450 kbps.
- FLAC: It is very good and similar to WAV, but more compressed. Depending on the level of compression will depend on its quality, higher will result in lower quality.
Using the different methods I am going to explain below you can export any project, including trackouts, stems, and MIDI.
How to export projects from FL Studio
Keep in mind you should use this option once you have structured your song or beat.
1- The first thing to do is to open FL Studio 20.
2- Verify that all the tracks in the playlist have the design we want.
3- Then go to the toolbar and left-click on Files.
4- Scroll to the Export option and choose the WAV File audio format to obtain the highest audio quality.
5- Now a window will open where you must set the storage path.
6- Give a name to the project you are going to export. After that click on Save.
7- Here the rendering dialog box will appear.
8- Choose the format or formats with which you want to export your song (optional).
9- Configure the rendering and quality options.
10- When you have everything ready, press the Start button. Also, an alternative is to use the Background Rendering option to start and send everything to the background.
11- When the rendering is finished FL Studio will notify you with a sound.
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The final result of this process will be stored in the folder you set in step #5 and in the format you chose.
For the best sound quality when rendering, go to the bottom of this post where I explain everything in more detail.
How to export projects from your documents
1- On your computer, go to the location where you have your project saved.
2- After you find it, open it by double-clicking on the FL Studio Song File (.FLP) that contains all your saved beat data.
3- Make sure all the tracks in the playlist are the desired ones.
4- Go to Files, then to export and choose the final audio format (WAV).
5- In the render window choose the quality options.
6- Finally, click Start. That’s it!
As an alternative to step #1, you can use the Open Recent Files option in the toolbar to locate where your project is saved.
Another excellent solution is to go to the Files option located in the FL toolbar. Then select Open File and on your hard drive, locate the folder that contains your project. Next, double-click on it to load it into the Fruity Loops playlist.
How to export projects with shortcuts
1- For exporting with hotkeys, you need to open FL Studio 20 and perform the keyboard shortcut according to the audio format you want to export.
2- Now, a window will automatically open to enter the storage path and the name of the file to be exported.
3- When you click save, the render dialog box will appear specifically for the chosen audio format.
4- Choose the quality options you prefer and click Start to initiate the process.
These hotkeys, allow us to save some time. Below are the most used ones:
- Wave files: Ctrl+R
- MP3 files: Shift+Ctrl+R
- MIDI files: Shift+Ctrl+M
It is important to mention that before everything is exported you can click on the Background Rendering option to start rendering instead of the Start button.
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This will simply send the rendering window to the background, leaving your computer free to be used for other tasks.
It is well worth using, so we can spend our time doing something else with the computer and make our work time more productive.
Best export settings for FL Studio 20
A) Project Type
- Tail: Leave a remainder
B) Output format
- WAV bit Deep: 24-bit int and set it to Stereo
C) Quality
- Resampling: Use 512-point sinc to get the highest quality.
- HQ for all plugins: ON
- Disable maximum polyphony: ON
- Dithering: OFF
D) Miscellaneous
- Save playlist makers: ON
- Save loop makers: ON
- Trim PDC silence: ON
- Enable insert effects: ON
- Enable master effects: Use on your beat only if necessary.
Most common exporting issues (SOLVED)
In this section, I’m going to explain which are the mistakes that producers commonly make while exporting and how to fix them.
So the procedures I’m going to show you below are a mini-guide to solve sound problems in FL Studio while exporting audio files.
Export sounds different
When in FL Studio an exported project doesn’t sound as it should it is due to a simple reason. It is because you have not activated the effects of the mixer or master channels.
This is solved by going to the miscellaneous section and activating these effects as you need them. This is not related to the final quality result, it is just a matter of exporting with or without sound effects.
If you are mastering and then want to export everything, you should set Enable master effects: ON.
On the other hand, if you want to render a track with the effects with which you designed it, you must set Enable insert effects: ON.
You can also enable both options, it all depends on what you want to export for your project
FL Studio export no sound
On some occasions, users have reported their exported file does not sound. This is due to conflicts between some plugins and the Disable maximum polyphony option.
So you should keep that in mind and play with this parameter until you solve the problems.
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FL Studio export problem (MP3 and OGG)
In many cases, it is common while exporting in low-quality formats these are heard badly, distorted, or with some artifacts at the end of the track. This is a very common situation and it has a quite simple solution.
What is happening is the Tail option is set to Leave a remainder. This is why at the end of the song you hear a silence with some noise.
To fix it you just have to set Cut remainder in the Tail section.
Another solution would be to make sure that all the tracks you are going to export end in the right spot in the playlist, so you won’t have long periods of unwanted silence.
Now in my personal experience, I recommend you to leave this option in Leave a remainder so that at the end of the track it doesn’t have an abrupt cut, giving a bad impression.
Of course, later you can use an editing program to attenuate or eliminate the noise at the end of the track.
Latency when exporting
If your computer’s sound card drivers are not up to date you may have latency problems. The same happens if your computer has insufficient resources (hardware) to render your project.
So if your PC has the minimum requirements for FL Studio 20 and you have this problem, try using the ASIO driver or any other audio plugin that your DAW has.
Always try to check what you mix and also the plugins associated with the DAW.
Final considerations
It is important to know the more compressed the file to be exported is, the longer it will take to finish the process. Also if your computer has a powerful CPU it will take less time to process everything.
If you choose several formats to render it will take longer to finish the process.
On the other hand, if your device is a low-end one, it is better to use a lower compression level. Always try to use your DAW on a PC with sufficient resources to avoid performance problems.
OGG and MP3 formats have the most artifacts (unwanted noise) due to their high compression level.
If you want to master or export high-quality files to a platform where you want the best possible sound, then WAV and FLAC formats are ideal for you.
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