FL Studio Fruity vs Producer Edition (Which One Should You Choose?)
In my beginnings as a producer, I had many doubts about which edition of FL Studio to choose, FL Studio Fruity Edition or Producer Edition?…
FL Studio & Logo: What Do They Stand For?
Work with music? If you want to create the best audio tracks in an easy and elegant way that adapts to modern times, then FL Studio…
16 FL Studio Easter Eggs (You Didn’t Know Existed)
There are many hidden features in FL Studio that you may not know about. This DAW has some really fun Easter Eggs hidden in its…
How To Get FL Studio For MacBook (For Free)
Since its inception, FL Studio has been a very popular DAW worldwide, but incredible as it may seem, it was available only for Windows, relegating…
FL Studio Producer Edition (What plugins come with?)
In this post, I show you an extensive list of stock plugins and instruments that are included in the Producer Edition of FL Studio. I…
FL Studio Mobile APK (Get It For Windows Phone)
If you are a fan of music production, surely FL Studio is an indispensable tool for your projects. Fortunately, the apk has also been released…